martes, 22 de abril de 2014

"Amanecer en Venecia" by Bango

Colors are the worlds variety 
And diverse tipes of personalities 
they show the wonders
that surround us.
Pink neat and delicate 
Blue powerful charm
Yellow graced with so much happiness 
The houses, boats, walls and the sky 
Acquire their own personalities 
By being painted by different colors
Surrounded by water and coloring
The beautiful Venezia. 


The low appreciation of man and
How they don't notice 
How great things happen
Around us
Because we are not open minded 
Te sea, is infinite as the world 
And the fight that we all win
To be a part of 
This beautiful but complex world 
We get to live in 
He needed help and there was no one
To help him. Life goes on
No matter what's around us. 

Maria Jose Aranda 

jueves, 3 de abril de 2014

Question 2014

How did You do on your science parcial? Do You Think you got what you deserved ?

miércoles, 2 de abril de 2014

Essay "great experience in life"

My experience in Mexico City at the ballet competition The Attitute, has been in my ballerina life one of the most full filing experiences. I worked to become a Pre Professional Ballet dancer and reached my goal. My first time dancing in a theater in front of an audience I did not know and twenty judges, I must confess made me nervous, and could not compare it to performing gymnastics as I used to, for seven years, in front of 6 judges per element.

As a ballerina I had only one chance of two minutes,  but once the music started, I could not see or feel anything but the impulse to dance and concentrate on all my movements from my hand to my toes, I loved what i can feel on stage and demonstrate to myself that I can dance, now I see myself on another trip , I see myself at the Attitute competition on 2015 to become a professional dancer.

More than enjoying this trip It made me realized that what I once heard is true for me:

"Opportunities dance for those who are already on the dance floor."  

-Maria Jose

martes, 11 de marzo de 2014

The Paris Review Daily Arts and Culture Keep Smiling

   An article that is so interesting because itexplains that the famous Selfies of 2013 have been a part of history and have existed for a very long time, maybe since 1886. Always from people that used to be Aristocrats or very in love with what they thought their image could project to others. The difference is that long time ago the Selfies were only for those wholived as Dandy’s, or Aristocrats,  concerned on their image and today it’s in the hands of anyone that has internet,  understanding that only the best, most attractive and perfect image of ourselves is the one to be shown.Selfies are for everyone, but they are done today to get a like or a repost, of an image that is constructed. I think nature and neutrality are losing their beauty because what used to be done by only a few is now done by everyone and the majority of the time it’s not even real, maybe we should pay more attention to nature pictures like and repost those more thanSelfies .

miércoles, 19 de febrero de 2014

English Homework bb "global citizen"

Global Citizen

To become a Global citizen we must stop doing what used to close our minds, and open to new behaviors that let us grow and un limit our success and kindness to all.
 A Global Citizen does not have to travel all over the world,  just has to think that to communicate to others we must be kind and equal. Boundaries and lines are no limit, of course we have countries and states but we are all human race and deserve kindness and justice.

To  become a Global citizen one needs to communicate, care, and  show love to all we see every day, and others we never met. And if one gets the opportunity to become part of a Global Citizen community, then help as a group, to amplify the voice and work together to take actions on injustice issues, such as poverty, not asking for charity but for changes that give new opportunities to all.

English Homework "short story"

Maria Jose Aranda
Short story 

I love ballet and I dance three hours a day, I could easily say that I´m obsessed with ballet. I could go on interminably about how much I like to dance. Every time I do something right I get highly motivated and just can´t stop being attached to. But once I got my ankle broken and that severely affected my technique. I thought my dancing life was a lost cause, but I realized that if you really want something there´s nothing that can stop you until you reach you goal, so I just keep quiet about my injury and moved on. Something that is now perfectly clear on my mind is that I’m dependent on me and only me.
    Today I’m looking forward to achieve my next goal as a dancer; I’m training hard to compete in March on Mexico City. One more step to become a professional dancer. Once I decided to dance I looked into achieving the highest goal on a dance career. As I learned English, and as I go to school and look for a career, I look at dancing as a profession to reach.
    Everything I do must be with passion to get as far as I can go with it. To dance is my highest passion today, and I forget everything and concentrate only on my movements, this makes me a better version of me, and looks better as I dance to my goal as a professional ballerina.
   A lot of sacrifice is required but I love the time I spend practicing, even on weekends because I knownothing I could do will compensate my effort as much as dancing.